Musicscool at Windsor
Inspiring Music Lessons during the school day that invest in the Music Department.​
Musicscool provide individual and small group lessons to students across all year groups. It is wonderful to work with such a thriving music department with young people learning a wide variety of instruments. Instruments we currently offer include:
But if there is another instrument you're interested in, let us know! We're happy to help...
We offer a Free Trial session to make sure students are happy with their instrument choice and make a good connection with the teacher. The Windsor Leanring Partnership has a stock of instruments that can be borrowed to get learning started.
You can get in touch with us via email to ask about lessons, or simply apply here.

More about our Lessons...
Lessons take place on a rotating timetable so that students miss a different part of the day each week. 6th formers can arrange for their lesson to be in free time or during breaks. Musicscool email the timetable at the beginning of each term to the school, parents and the students themselves (if permission is given.)
The school encourage music lessons during school time as they understand the huge benefit that music can bring to a student's well-being and personal development.
Once enrolled, lessons continue from term to term, year to year unless parents give notice to stop, so there is no need to re-apply at the start of the academic year.
INSPIRE-INVEST! Musicscool gives 5% of the cost of every single lesson taken during the school week directly back to the music department for them to spend on increasing music opportunities, equipment or resources to make music at the Windsor Schools even better!
How much does a lesson cost?
Prices for 2024/2025:​
20 minute lesson £17.30
30 minute lesson £25.60
40 minute lesson £34.10
Group Lesson £13.80 (Max 2 for 30 mins *subject to availability)
Making Music with Others
Once learning an instrument or singing, there are so many opportunities to get involved in ensemble music making. There are choirs, an orchestra, Jazz Bands, multiple contemporary groups not to mention a huge amount of performance opportunities and the full scale School Musicals . For more information about joining one of these you can speak to the Head of Music, Mr Manwaring, or any of the staff in the music department. Alternatively, email​
All students in the Windsor Learning Partnership are given specialist music lessons from year 5 onwards, with Key stage 3 receiving an hour of classroom music per week. All the schools have their own musical culture and they come together does the annual WLP events and projects.
The Boys and Girls school offer GCSE and A level Music (Edexcel).

James Manwaring
James is Director of Music for the Windsor Learning Partnership which consist of 6 shcools -The Windsor Boys school, The Windsor Girls school, Oakfield First School, Clewer Green First School, Dedworth Green First School and Dedworth Middle School.​
James is also heavily involved with the Friends of Windsor Music Charity who help raise money to support young people learning. They are able to support with instruments to help keep the costs down (subject to availabilty.)
Meet the teachers...
We have a dedicated team that visit Windsor at least once a week. They are all professional musicians and experienced teachers with a passion for passing on their love of music.